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Press Releases from usegroup (15 total)

Mustangproject 2.0 to integrate e-invoice validator

Mustangproject is an open source e-invoicing library and toolkit. It helps companies to process electronic invoices by providing the functionality to read, write and validate them. New in version 2 Instead of ZUGFeRD 1, ZUGFeRD version 2 is now the default choice and the library is now available via Maven Central, making it even easier to embed. It's interface has been enhanced and Mustangproject now supports absolute and relative charges and allowances on

New version of open-source E-invoice validator ZUV being released for ZUGFeRD 2. …

Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2020-03-21 Version 0.9 of the e-invoice validator software "ZUV" will be released on Tuesday, March 24, between 3 and 4pm CET. The free download will be available from it's Github site, . The new version supports the new versions of the e-invoicing standards Factur-X 1.0.05 and ZUGFeRD 2.1, which will be released by their respective organizations on the same day. "Validators" software to syntactically check sample files, are important for formats like Factur-X/ZUGFeRD

Open Source Accounting Software for the US

Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2015-04-16. Version 0.8.8 of Gnuaccounting adds suport for sales taxes: Until recently, only value added taxes were supported: In Europe, VAT is issued on all invoices and paid by both private and business customers. The businesses, however, announce how much VAT they spend on invoices of other companies and the IRS compensates this amount. In the new version, it is possible to additionally enable sales tax and define per

Mustangproject 1.1.1 released

Today, 2015-03-31, the Mustangproject released it's new version 1.1.1. New in this version is the Maven repository and the possibility to embed custom XML. About Mustangproject: Mustangproject ( is Java-ZUGFeRD library licensed under a permissive Open-Source-license (the Apache Public License). About ZUGFeRD: ZUGFeRD ( is a metadata (like amount, payment modalities or tax rates) standard for PDF invoices. usegroup is a 1998-founded web factory with a focus on backend development. It is based in Alzey,

Improved templates and ZUGFeRD 1.0 in Gnuaccounting 0.8.6

The new version of the open-source invoicing and accounting application Gnuaccounting supports version 1.0 of the PDF-invoice-metadata-standard ZUGFeRD and extends the possibilities of the template system. Alzey, Germany, 2014-08-15. The new default template can now access settings like the company name and supports conditional placeholders to be able to display a different text if the amount will be deducted from the customer's account. To be able to precisely mention the SEPA

Release of Gnuaccounting 0.8.5

Support of "ZUGFeRD" in the new version of the open-source accounting software Alzey, Germany, 2014-05-30 Gnuaccounting is the first free and open-source software which can read and write invoices in the ZUGFeRD standard, using the recently released Mustang-project at . Small amendments like new units, new expense categories (telecommunication), placeholders for IBAN, BIC and SEPA mandate, corrections and a new forum complete the picture: The new Google group at!forum/gnuaccounting is

Open-Source-Accounting Gnuaccounting supports OpenOffice 4, DocTag and SEPA-prep …

Version 0.8.4 of the free invoicing- and bookkeeping software supports OpenOffice 4 and DocTag and prepares for SEPA Alzey, Germany, 2013-11-25. Apart from LibreOffice 4 now also Apache 4 is supported, Invoice metadata can be added according to the DocTag standard and customer's IBAN and BIC numbers can now be entered in the context of the SEPA-preparations. Additionally, a functionality has been added which can, similarly to separate commercial products products, rename

Open-Source-Accounting Gnuaccounting supports BezahlCode and Magento online shop …

Easier processing of incoming invoices with "BezahlCode" and one-click-creation of invoices or shipping tickets from orders in Magento shops Alzey, Germany, 2013-08-12 Gnuaccounting's payment process was automated with the BezahlCode ("Payment code", please refer to standard, a 2D-barcode on the invoices to store information how to balance the invoice, including amount, payment purpose and recipient's bank details. This allows to balance the invoice practically while scanning it. Accounts, previously only selectable

Open-Source-Accounting Gnuaccounting releases version 0.8.2

Alzey, Germany, 2013-01-15 Gnuaccounting's document management now supports multiple scanners. It is now possible to view scanned or imported images from within the software itself and scan or import already from the import wizard. The document number is now recognized from the file name. The document number is no longer mandatory in the import from bank statement and can be amended later. The asset management creates a report in the spread sheet

Open-Source-Accounting Gnuaccounting releases version 0.8.1

New version ends a period without new features of the Free invoicing and accounting application Alzey, Germany, 2012-08-20 New features Writing/receiving invoices After writing an invoice the user can now select the number of printed copies and directly book as “paid in cash“. LibreOffice-Support has been improved and newer versions are now supported, e.g. Kubuntu Linux 12.04 now runs „out of the box“. Owed to a new library to embed OpenOffice/LibreOffice and the work of

Open source accounting software Gnuaccounting enters round 0.8.0

Current version offers corrections, improvements and new features in cross-platform invoicing Alzey, 2011-09-07. “For this latest version of Gnuaccounting some of the changes really were very fundamental, reaching right down into the architecture of the program,” explains Jochen Stärk, who wrote this accounting software. “This did have its advantages, for example, a simplified program structure and sustainability. The disadvantages included a lengthy development time, the fact that it was not possible to

Improved version of open source accounting Gnuaccounting available by end of jan …

Alzey, Germany, 2010-01-25. „We start the new year with little enhancements and further stabilization of Gnuaccounting“, says Jochen Stärk, author of Gnuaccounting. RPM- and DEB-Packages are supposed to improve the installation in Linux. Companies not eligible for value added taxes also benefit from the improvements. Import of bank statements, so far only possible with Moneyplex, Starmoney or via HBCI/FinTan chipcard banking, is now also possible from the free banking software

Free accounting software Gnuaccounting releases version 0.7.8

Alzey, Germany, 2010-10-11. „With Version 0.7.8 Gnuaccounting continues it's way to a stable and versatile product“, says Jochen Stärk, owner of usegroup. Gnuaccounting's main target groups are small enterprises, consequently a german small business tax law simplification, „Istversteuerung“ (taxation when a receipt is issued, not when the work has been delivered) is now supported. Medium sized businesses can now benefit from the „SKR04“ accounting chart, which has been added in

New Version of the free accounting software Gnuaccounting more stable

Version 0.7.7: OpenOffice 3.2-compatible, creation of document templates out of the box Alzey, 2010-07-26: "In its five years of existence, Gnuaccounting has never been more stable than it is now", says Jochen Staerk, owner of usegroup. With the version 0.7.7 the IT consulting company usegroup now presents the 48th release of its free accounting software since its initial release in March 2005. The most important improvement is that Gnuaccounting now also works

Gnuaccounting 0.7.2 comes with installer, extended database support

Alzey, Germany, 2009-12-13. The new version of the Free Invoicing - and Accounting software will be released on 2009-12-16 08:00 C.E.T and is shipped with a Windows(r)(tm) installer and supports more databases such as PostgreSQL. Up to 0.7.2 the user had to manually extract the Gnuaccounting archive. The Windows(r)(tm) version of Gnuaccounting now offers an installer/uninstaller with start menu integration. The possibility to use company-wide database installations might be interesting for a

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