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Press Releases from EuroGeoSurveys (7 total)

Understanding the subsurface is vital to achieve the Green Transition

Brussels, 20 November 2023 EuroGeoSurveys launches a new strategy: Understanding the subsurface is vital to achieve the Green Transition This week, EuroGeoSurveys launched an ambitious new four-year strategy (2023-2027) to support implementation of the European Green Deal. The new mission of EuroGeoSurveys is "to enable sustainable and responsible use of the Earth's subsurface environment and resources" with the vision of "creating the Geological Service for Europe as the scientific reference partner of

EuroGeoSurveys 50th Anniversary - Young Geoscientist Competition

EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) will be holding its 50th anniversary event in October 2022. The event celebrates the long collaboration between 37 European geological surveys with an overall workforce of several thousand experts, which make up the membership of EGS. During this time, the Geological Surveys of Europe have been working together to deliver geoscientific knowledge and data to the EU institutions to support policy making for the benefit of society. The collaboration

Proceeding of the final review meeting of INTERMIN Project: Are you in to find y …

The final review meeting of the International Network of Raw Materials Training Centres (INTERMIN) Horizon 2020 Project took place virtually on 24th September 2021. The INTERMIN Consortium gathered online to meet up with their European Commission (EC) Project Officer and Reviewer for a final evaluation of the project work and results. The meeting marked the end of the fourty-two months long project, which was officially closed in August this year. In

EuroGeoSurveys at the PDAC 2021 Virtual Convention

The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) has wrapped up its first-ever virtual convention that happened between March 8-11, 2021, receiving positive feedback and industry accolades. The annual PDAC Convention is the premier event of the world’s mineral exploration and mining industry that brings together mining executives, geologists, government officials, investors, analysts, and students from around the globe. With over 7,200 members around the world, PDAC’s mission is to

EuroGeoSurveys’ Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) - The Geological Surveys of Europe has published its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). EGS, representing 38 National Geological Surveys in Europe, delineates its new research and innovation priorities through a short- and medium-term vision, with a programme of activities that will result in common pan-European projects. This new strategic document highlights the role of the European Geological Surveys as public organizations which provide the Geoscience knowledge base

UNFC Europe: Ensuring sustainable raw material management to support the Europea …

The European Green Deal is a new growth strategy aiming to transform the European Union into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy. The European Green Deal has a number of overarching objectives, including for the European Union to reach net-zero GHG emissions by 2050; promotion of a circular economy; and enhancing social responsiveness. The United Nations Framework Classification of Resources (UNFC), a global standard that supports sustainable and integrated management of

Deposits in the EU - An Epitome of Minerals Information

Brussels, 1 October 2020 The two wide maps data sets of EuroGeoSurveys The European Commission has recently adopted a European strategy for data ‘COM(2020) 66’ which foresees a data driven innovation approach from which all the stakeholders involved in the European Green Deal ‘COM(2019) 640’ will benefit. Following this track, EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) has set its priorities and deliverables for the year 2020 to be fully in line with these major EU policy

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