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Press Releases from The Law Office of Gerald M. Oginski, LLC (7 total)

Why Injured Accident Victims Are Never Millionaires

Great Neck, NY How many times have you read the headlines in the newspaper "Man wins $20 Million," "Woman awarded $35 Million Dollars after slipping on banana peel," "Jury verdict of $17 Million for brain damaged infant." Don't you feel envious, even for just a moment? Don't you feel jealous that someone, somewhere, is going to get all those millions of dollars? Well, that might be your first impulse, but looking at the

Lose My Hospital Privileges? Enforcing A Contract

Great Neck, N.Y. January 25, 2006 Did you know that many physician employment contracts have clauses in them that state if you are fired, or leave voluntarily, you must give up your hospital privileges? Who ever heard of such a thing? Why would a medical group go to such length as to force you to give up your hospital privileges if you're no longer part of the group? The reason is simple. Competition. The

Dont' Take The Money and Run - Injury Settlements

You've been injured because someone was careless, you looked for a lawyer in the yellow pages, and one ad in particular caught your eye. "Quick settlements! Maximum cash for your injury!" You signed up with the 'quick settlement' attorney, you brought a lawsuit, and now your lawyer tells you you've been offered money to settle your case. What do you do? Don't take the money and run. What do you do? Veteran

How Not To Get Ripped Off By Furniture Stores This Holiday Season

December 17, 2005 How many times have you bought furniture and been told, "Your furniture will arrive in 4 weeks." Eight weeks later, you're still wondering when your furniture will arrive. "It's coming from China," "It's coming from North Carolina," "There's been a delay," says the salesman. Isn't it interesting that the store never takes any responsibility for the delay? Don't they do this for a living? This isn't the first

What The Vioxx Mistrial Means Anyone Who Takes Medication

A federal jury in Houston couldn't decide whether Vioxx was responsible for causing a patient's heart attack. If a jury couldn't decide whether Vioxx was safe, what does it mean for you as a consumer? The main claim against Merck, the pharmaceutical giant who manufactured and distributed Vioxx, was that Vioxx caused all sorts of cardiac complications, and Merck never told the doctors or patients about these significant side-effects. Why is this

5 Holiday Tips To Keep You From Being an Emergency Room Malpractice Victim

The holidays are notorious for over indulging on food, overexertion while shoveling snow, and high levels of stress. Unfortunately, this puts many people in the emergency room needing immediate medical care. What happens in the emergency room when the hospital is understaffed because the doctors and staff are on vacation and they're short-staffed? Your care may suffer. Here are 5 important tips to help you through the holidays if you wind up

Top 5 Ways To Prove You Have a Valid Malpractice Case

First, remember that not every injury or complication means there's been malpractice. Just because you get a bad outcome, doesn't necessarily mean there's been malpractice. Second, try to determine what the doctor did wrong. If you're not sure, ask your current doctor what was done wrong. Many times, an injured victim will learn from another doctor that their prior treatment was improper. Then again, not all doctors will be happy to

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