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Press Releases from Hangover Gone (2 total)

Celebrities can’t get enough Hangover Gone for the Emmy’s

Wilmington, NC (Sep. 14, 2011) – A big hit at the Daytime Entertainment Emmy® Awards last May, Hangover Gone Deterrent & Detox shot will be front & center in this year's Primetime Emmy's ® Gifting Lounge in the Penthouse of Luxe Hotel on Rodeo Drive. WOW! Creations, coordinator of this year’s Primetime Emmy® Gifting Lounge, hand selects innovative and emerging brands for the honor. 150 attendees of the awards show

Hangover Gone - This shot can stop hangovers before they start

A new liquid shot product called Hangover Gone promises to prevent or reduce the debilitating hangover effects of a night on the town. Have you ever woke up after a night of imbibing alcoholic beverages feeling awful and swearing to never drink again? If you answered yes, are not alone. In fact, 75 % of alcohol consumers have experienced a hangover at least once, 15% have one at least every month

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