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Press Releases from Child Alert System (2 total)

National Child Alert System Now Offers 3-D Imagery To Aid In the Identification …

Last Saturday, the little league team in Gordonville Virginia lined up to have their pictures taken with a state of the art 3-D image processing system. The 3-D camera, which captures trillions of points of data with infrared technology, will be a critical tool in helping law enforcement and the public to locate these children should they ever go lost or missing. “Facial recognition with 3-D imagery is 600% to 800%

National Child Alert System Plea To Parents: Be Prepared to Take Action In Child …

The gruesome discovery of 7-year-old Hser Nay Moo found dead in a neighbor’s apartment has again proven that every parent’s nightmare is in fact a reality. After an exhaustive search led by South Salt Lake Police Chief Chris Snyder and more than 700 volunteers, Hser’s body was found in the basement of a neighboring home one day after she went missing. “This sort of horror is not something that only happens

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