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Press Releases from Lesley (3 total)

SANGSTRE Glasses: The Best Part of My Walking

I gained 60 pounds during the pandemic lockdown! I have always been an unapologetic foodie and a fitness freak. My two interests balance each other well and I have enjoyed a fairly fit body for years. I didn't have abs but I did not have any paunch either. But the lockdown changed everything. With little to do, I tried new cuisines, new recipes, and new styles. My wife loved my experiments too.

SANGSTRE Audio Glasses: All of You See, Just a Pair of Glasses

Smart audio glasses effectively combine glasses and headphones. Users no longer need to worry about forgetting their headphones when wearing glasses sometimes because this product meets both needs. Smart audio glasses are now widely recognized and many brands have launched their own audio glasses. But there are very few brands that can perfectly combine the functionality of glasses and acoustics. 1.Smart audio glasses with the look of ordinary frames Smart audio

2022 Buyer's Guide: the Best Smart Audio Glasses for You

What are smart audio glasses? Are they just a combination of a Bluetooth headset and glasses? Absolutely not: they are more than this simple combination. The result of crossing normal glasses with Bluetooth technology is much more than the sum of its parts. With audio Bluetooth technology now being able to integrate with glasses efficiently, more and more intelligent audio glasses have appeared on the market. The current trend

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