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Press Releases from Transplant India (2 total)

Hearts from donors who passed away from Covid may still be utilized in transplan …

There has always been a question of whether the hearts of patients who passed away from Covid 19 can be utilized or not. According to surveys, transplanted hearts were just as safe as those from recipients who did not have the COVID-19 virus. Based on the first 84 recipients of hearts from Covid positive donors, researchers were taken aback when none of the recipients passed away due to respiratory conditions

Crowd funding enables organ transplants to be made possible for the disadvantage …

Transplants - Help the Poor Foundation, expressed his delight, saying, "We are delighted that Ketto has come forward to help this worthwhile cause." Awareness is just as crucial as donating in the case of organ donation." Transplants - Help the Poor Foundation, a Mumbai-based NGO dedicated to ensuring that the less fortunate have equitable access to organ transplants, has announced its partnership with the online crowd-funding platform Ketto. A medical crisis

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