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Press Releases from NRD Companies (3 total)

In The First Half of 2023, NRD Companies Expands Its Global Footprint And Report …

September 11, 2023. NRD Companies, a global IT and consulting group of companies, specializing in governance and economic digital infrastructure development, has recently released its 2023 H1 report. The company's consolidated revenue in 2023 H1 of €6.222 million was up 98% compared to 2022 H1. EBITDA (Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) increased to €567 thousand compared to €-359 thousand in 2022 H1. NRD Companies' consolidated revenue increase has

GovTech - What Does The Future Hold In Store?

August 4, 2023. Regardless of how the term "Government Technology (GovTech)" came into use, it seems that it can be traced back to the early days of computing, when governments began using computers to manage their administrative tasks. However, the term "GovTech" was probably coined only in the 1990s, when governments began to recognize the potential of technology to transform public services. The rise of the internet in the 1990s and

Government Continuity Plans In Question

E-services, and in government terms, E-government, are essentially digital technologies, notably the internet and mobile, that help facilitate interactions between government agencies and the public. Examples of government e-services, amongst many others, include business formation, registration and reporting; payment of licenses and taxes; and application for social security benefits. Government digital projects are commonly complex to plan and execute and many of them are destined to fail. According to research,

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