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Press Releases from Murat Durmus (2 total)

Book Release: COGNITIVE BIASES - A Brief Overview of Over 160 Cognitive Biases: …

Important Issue! You will find 169 cognitive biases in this book. Some of them are already well researched, and we have only vague ideas for some. Nevertheless, this book should give you a comprehensive overview and introduction to cognitive biases. I have provided the QR-Codes to the respective biases for those who need more detailed information. In addition, I have added a chapter on "Algorithmic Biases" because the more artificial intelligence

Book Release: THE AI THOUGHT BOOK: Inspirational Thoughts & Quotes on Artificial …

A somewhat different book about artificial intelligence. Everyone seriously interested in Artificial Intelligence should have read this book. Contents: ◆ Preface ◆ Artificial Intelligence ◆ AI-Ethics ◆ Explainable AI (XAI) ◆ Philosophy ◆ Data & Business ◆ Education & Future of Work ◆ Society & Humanity ◆ Mixed ◆ Three essays for the fundamental understanding of AI ◆ Epilog ◆ Appendix 1: Glossary ◆ Appendix 2: A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence ◆ Appendix 3: The criminal Potential of AI ◆ Appendix 4: Some significant achievements in

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