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Press Releases from Horizon 2020 Open to the World (4 total)

FOOD FOR THE FUTURE – Developed in an EU-funded international research consort …

A growing world population, climate change, environmental degradation, and increased appetite for meat-based proteins – these are mutually exclusive trends. The EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme is funding the international research consortium ‘PROTEIN2FOOD’ that develops innovative, resource-efficient and nutritious food based on ‘new’ protein crops. Meat production consumes a huge amount of energy and accounts for almost 15% of all man-made greenhouse gas emissions. And as the world’s population

Why smart and sustainable cities are essential for a climate- and energy-resilie …

The transition to an energy secure and climate neutral future is a priority for the European Commission, as wiser energy use and measures to fight climate change are not only helping to protect the planet, but also creating new jobs and opportunities for growth. Global cooperation will be at the heart of any successful transition. The EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, with its focus on international research cooperation,

'Practise & Prepare!' – Carlos Moedas shares advice with Cabo Verdean research …

Carlos Moedas’ opening remarks resonated with the participants at a Horizon 2020 training event last November in Praia, Cabo Verde. Present at the event were local researchers and scientists, who are set to shape the future of research cooperation between the EU and Cabo Verde. For example, participant Leila Brito Neves expressed her gratitude about the guidance and encouragement provided at the event and summarised the central takeaways as, ‘preparation

Confronting the global issue of ocean plastic: interactive science exhibition in …

Approximately 8 million tonnes of plastic are dumped into our oceans each year; the equivalent of 310 000 shipping containers, or a truckload of trash every minute. Images of plastic bags entangling sea turtles and PVC bottles littering our beaches are just the tip of the iceberg, as ocean currents transport this plastic to every corner of our planet. To highlight the scale of plastic waste in our oceans, and the

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