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Press Releases from The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Berlin (14 total)

On the Session of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On July 18 this year the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan held its session in Tashkent. The session saw the discussion of the outcomes of social and economic development of the country in the first half-year 2007. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev presided over the session. The session has noted that the measures taken in the first half-year on implementing the most important

Opinions of the participants of the international practical-scientific conferenc …

Tashkent, 14-15 August 2007 - Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, Director-General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) The Republic of Uzbekistan, which has a great place in the development of Islamic civilization, has symbolized the universal and Islamic values. The reconstruction of cultural and architectural monuments in such historical cities as Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand and Khiva is a shining example of it. At the same time Uzbekistan is famous for

All-round productive dialog

As is known, on June 30 Germany’s EU presidency came to an end. The EU, under the leadership of Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Frank-Walter Steinmeier, has developed a new strategy of cooperation between the EU and Central Asia. A UT correspondent has interviewed the deputy ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Ruediger Bohn. - What do you think are the perspectives of Uzbek-German cooperation? - Let me draw your attention

Investment Company Avesta Investment Group in cooperation with «NAUR»

The National Association of Securities Market Participants present «International Investment Forum - 2007» 29 May 2007, Intercontinental Hotel, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Recent years Uzbekistan has experienced a steady economic growth and improvement of financial parameters of economic development, in particular, stability rate of national currency and the state budget surplus. The favorable investment environment for creation of the business relations based on improved legislative base is gradually being formed. Special attractiveness to

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan

With regard to adoption by the Council of the European Union the conclusion on Uzbekistan on May 14, 2007, the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan states the following. From the start the EU Council conclusion of May 23, 2005 with regard to tragic events, which had taken place in Andijan on May 12-13, 2005, and further conclusion of October 3, 2005, have been made without preliminary study of the state

Press Release about the conference on interaction of National Center of the Repu …

Tashkent, April 23, 2007 - Having constitutionally proclaimed international law superiority, The Republic of Uzbekistan joined many international agreements directed to strengthening and protection of rights of different categories of citizens (women, children, handicapped persons) and took upon itself obligations on creation of required organizational-legal structures for promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms within its territory. In accordance with requirements of international law norms, in Uzbekistan were set up

PRESS RELEASE on the session of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbe …

The session of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan took place in Tashkent. The session saw the discussion of outcomes of the social and economic development of the country in the first quarter 2007 and the measures on unconditional implementation of the most important priorities of economic program for this year. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev has presided over the session. The session


Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) has declared the city of Tashkent as the world capital of Islamic culture in 2007. The reason for making such an important decision is the place the Republic of Uzbekistan and Tashkent have in the history of Islamic civilization, solicitous and deferential attitude of the President and the nation of Uzbekistan to the rich heritage of Islam. As it is known, tolerance, humanism, and

IT-association of Uzbekistan and Microsoft Corporation sign memorandum

27.03.2007 - The Association of Enterprises and Organizations of Information Technologies of Uzbekistan (IT-association of Uzbekistan) and the Microsoft Corporation have signed the agreement on cooperation in the field of information technologies. The establishment of partnership aims introduction of new information technologies in Uzbekistan, development of a high-quality information and telecommunication infrastructure, and devloping and strengthening the contacts between public, state and commercial IT organizations. As it was said during the

Japanese-Uzbek Power Forum-2007 Turns Effective for Sides - Report

Monday, March 26, 2007 - Convened early March this year the Japanese-Uzbek Power Forum-2007 brought together qualified specialists and analysts, as well as representatives from government bodies and independent organizations, science and research institutes and analytical centers of Japan at METI and JOGMEC. It was preceded by a Japanese-Uzbek business seminar as a starting event, and a number of presentations with the participation of the country's big-name companies. The Ministry of

Tashkent Islamic Univ., Information Agency “Jahon” Put Out Book on Tashkent …

The publishing unit of the Tashkent Islamic University and Information Agency “Jahon” put out the book “Tashkent is a Capital of Islamic Culture” in the Uzbek, Russian and English languages, Pravda Vostoka newspaper reported March 20, 2007. Uzbekistan is rightly considered as o­ne of the cradles of the world civilization, and particularly, culture of the Islamic religion. The world community recognizes the invaluable contribution made by the great Uzbek ancestors to

Social protection of the population: experience of Germany and Uzbekistan

«... social protection should not remain the business of the state organizations and authorities, institution of social security and charitable organizations only. The concept "social" concerns all of us and should be in the center of attention of all society» I.A. Karimov In the statement of the President I.A. Karimov at the ceremonial meeting devoted to the 14-anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan it is mentioned, that «... it

On the outcomes of the social and economic development of Uzbekistan in 2006 and …

Recently the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan held the session dedicated on the outcomes of the social and economic development of the republic in 2006 and most important priorities of deepening the economic reforms in 2007. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov spoke at the session. The participants of the session noted that in 2006 the country ensured the sustainable growth rates of economy. Thus,

Main measures on the improvement of childrens life and the implementation of «T …

Immediately upon receiving the Declaration and «The world fit for children» Plan of Actions, adopted in 2002 during a special session of the UN General Assembly on children, Uzbekistan has conducted following activity: a) the documents were thoroughly studied on national and sub-national levels including districts and mahallahs to work out concrete proposals on ensuring the implementation of Declaration’s as well as the Plan Actions provisions; b) with the aim of fulfilling the country’s

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