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Press Releases from The Children's Mutual (5 total)

Child Trust Fund Set To Bolster UK Economy

Over GBP3.5 billion could have been injected into the UK economy this year if Child Trust Funds (CTFs) had been introduced 18 years ago, according to new calculations released by The Children’s Mutual ( to mark the fourth anniversary of the scheme going live. The leading Child Trust Fund provider’s calculations also show that nearly half of today’s 18-year-olds could have received just over GBP9,975 each, based on real

By 2027 The Average Student Debt Could Reach GBP50,000

Responding to the announcement by the BBC, that many university chancellors would like to see increases in tuition fees by between GBP5,000 and GBP20,000 a year, leading Child Trust Fund (CTF) Provider, The Children's Mutual ( has calculated that families may have to find GBP49,900 if youngsters decide to go to university in 18 years time. David White, Chief Executive of The Children's Mutual comments: “What is clear from the

The Children’s Mutual - Bleak Financial Future For Parents

Parents could be facing a bleak future, owing to the rise of the ‘bungee brood’ a generation of young adults who may never sever their links to the parental purse strings, according to a new report from Child Trust Fund provider The Children’s Mutual ( and the Social Issues Research Centre (SIRC). The study has identified a new generation that considers itself ‘financially independent’ while still accepting parental subsidies for

Working Mums Short Changed on Me-Time

The average Great British mother can expect less than an hour and a half each day to themselves according to leading Child Trust Fund provider, The Children’s Mutual. The average full-time working mum is even worse off with less than an hour a day of ‘me time’ – which is defined as quality time spent awake, without worrying about the stresses and strains of the daily grind! Unsurprisingly, nearly three

Christmas Brings GBP1.2bn of Broken Toys

More than a third (37 per cent) of Christmas toys and presents don’t make it past the end of January, according to research from leading Child Trust Fund provider, The Children’s Mutual. It found that a staggering £1.2bn is wasted each year, by family and friends buying gifts that get broken or discarded long before we give up on our New Year’s resolutions. According to its research, excluding those from their

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