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Press Releases from Med Services Europe GmbH (6 total)

New Lens For Travel To Greece

Travel Europe, ( The Europe Travel Guide, is proud to announce the launch of the of a new Squidoo lens. This Squidoo lens, “Greece Travel Guide” offers advice and information about travel to Greece. Squidoo's goal as a platform is to bring the power of recommendation to search. Travel Europe uses the platform to make recommendations to travelers interested in the beautiful country of Greece. The Greece Travel Guide lens includes

Stacy Kohut: Paralympic and World Champion Talks about Wheelchair Sports

Stacy Kohut is a world class athlete. Internationally known for skiing, Stacy has competed in elite competitions from Lillehammer, Norway to Nagano, Japan. Although he has won many medals and appeared in major media campaigns alongside superstars such as Ian Thorpe, Muhammad Ali, and David Beckham, Stacy is far from being a house hold name. Why? Stacy Kohut is an athlete who happens to be in a wheelchair. Stacy has made

RehaDesign Wheelchair Gloves: Specially Designed for Active Wheelchair Users

The hands of a manual wheelchair owner hold tremendous power. They are ‘the engine’, ‘the steering’, and ‘the brakes’. They are the heart of a chair owner’s mobility. They also take a great deal of abuse. A wheelchair owner’s hands are exposed to constant friction and heat generated by pushing, stopping and turning. They are numbed and desensitized in cold and wet weather. Active and athletic owners are particularly

New Website To Be Platform for Disability Industry

A new website has been launched which is meant to be a platform for disability manufacturers and distributors at The website is intended to advance the commercialization of innovative disability products. Dr. Gene Emmer, President of Med Services Europe announced the launch of “New Disability” ( a website dedicated to products for the disabled community. According to Dr Emmer the goal of New Disability is to be a platform to

Rigid Versus Folding Wheelchairs

Disabled athletes are rarely seen competing in a folding wheelchairs. Why? The reason is increased performance of rigid wheelchairs. All athletes seek to optimize performance. But performance is not only important for sports wheelchairs, it is important for active everyday users as well. A well designed rigid wheelchair becomes part of the body of a disabled user allowing easier access and freedom of movement. What are the features of a

“New Disability” Website Launched at

Med Services Europe announced the launch of “New Disability” ( a website dedicated to products for the disabled community. According to Dr. Gene Emmer, President of Med Services Europe, the goal of New Disability is to be a platform to advance the commercialization of assistive technology. “We want ‘New Disability’ to be a meeting place where members of the disabled community can discuss product needs and opportunities” Explained Dr. Emmer.

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