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Press Releases from European Sensory Network (ESN) (9 total)

Olive Oil in Context: TDS uncovers complex interactions

December 2012 - Using the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method, the tasting experience that develops over a longer period can be traced. In this way it is possible to comprehend aspects that are not reflected in static sensory profiles. In a recent study on olive oil, Italian researchers demonstrated the advantages of TDS. Good quality olive oil is a basic foodstuff in many countries encompassing the Mediterranean Sea. In the

Olive Oil in Context: TDS uncovers complex interactions

Using the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method, the tasting experience that develops over a longer period can be traced. In this way it is possible to comprehend aspects that are not reflected in static sensory profiles. In a recent study on olive oil, European Sensory Network researchers from Italy have demonstrated the advantages of TDS. Good quality olive oil is a basic foodstuff in many countries encompassing the Mediterranean Sea.

Sweet and Healthy - Young consumers prefer the taste of Stevia ice-cream

June 2012 - By now, Stevia is being talked about as a natural sweetener, but not in the sense that it is “on everyone’s lips”. The food industry is still experimenting with this modern plant-based artificial sweetener on a wide variety of foodstuffs. The Belgian ESN member ROGIL investigated as to whether it functions as a sweetener in ice-cream. As of November 2011, the EU has approved the use of a

Sweet and Healthy - Young consumers prefer the taste of Stevia ice-cream

By now, Stevia is being talked about as a natural sweetener, but not in the sense that it is “on everyone’s lips”. The food industry is still experimenting with this modern plant-based artificial sweetener on a wide variety of foodstuffs. The Belgian sensory institute ROGIL investigated as to whether it functions as a sweetener in ice-cream. Impressive health benefits As of November 2011, the EU has approved the use of a glycoside

Written on the face - What facial expressions reveal about basic tastes

“Ugh, blah! That tastes terrible!” When you can see the person’s face as he eats, such exclamations are usually superfluous. Such spontaneous facial expressions speak an unequivocal language, one that is universally understood. But do these non-verbal facial reactions communicate their information when the tastes are more subtle and thus provide additional information to measuring responses in classical sensory tests? Swedish and Danish European Sensory Network researchers have taken a

Tricking with the nose - A well-selected use of aromas allows for the reduction …

“More aroma, less salt” – this straight-forward formula is the result of a French study. European Sensory Network researchers examined a simple new method by which the salt levels in food products could be reduced without it negatively effecting the consumer’s taste perception. Doctors and nutritionists continually complain that we use too much salt. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that ideally, a person should consume no more than 5g salt

Sensory education in the schools: Taught to become a Gourmet?

September 2010 - Can children be taught to become gourmets? The connoisseur country of France has a sensory education program for 8 to 10 year old school children that in the truest sense of the word wets their appetite. The children are given 12 lessons in which a variety of practical exercises and theoretical concepts are employed that teach them to use all five senses in context with

Memory for Foods: The Key to Unconscious Decisions

Memories of earlier experiences are a major factor in our decisions as to what we eat and what we don’t eat. They also play a central role as to whether or not a new product is accepted. Sensory researchers at the European Sensory Network believe that these memories are often more important than direct sensory comparisons. They have therefore placed “memory for foods” at the centre of their research. One of

European Sensory Network (ESN) launches first collaborative research projects wi …

1 December 2008 - The European Sensory Network (ESN) has offered a new industry network partnership since the spring of 2008. This partnership aims at intensifying the contacts between sensory and consumer experts and the appropriate industry representatives. Up to this point 15 enterprises from a variety of consumer industries have already joined, and the ESN will soon launch the first collaborative projects. The upcoming projects of the ESN-Industry Partnership Research

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