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Press Releases from Mastodon Golf Club (2 total)

05-04-2023 | Sports
Mastodon Golf Club

Discover another Mastodon Find in Heath, OH… 'The Mastodon Golf Club

Mastodon Golf Club in Ohio was named as an homage to the prehistoric fossils a crew member uncovered in 1989, while digging a new pond for the course. The extinct American Mastodon that once roamed the area, given the Isotopic dating of actual bone material, was an 11,390 year old skeleton (fossilized during the Wisconsinan Glacial Interval of the near-latest Pleistocene). To learn more about the mastodon and its excavation a

5 Good Reasons to Play a Golf Simulator During Adverse Weather Conditions

Golfers can now play and train all year round, whether it's freezing cold, too windy, snowing, too hot, raining, or even dark, by finding a GSPro golf simulator close to your home or wherever you might be traveling. Here are 5 advantages of playing golf using a GSPro simulator: Consistent Conditions: Golf simulators provide a controlled environment with consistent lighting, temperature, and surface conditions, allowing you to practice and refine your game

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