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Press Releases from The Holy Temple Of Knowledge Of Ra (3 total)

Ra Heru Khuti Grand I Con

I Ra Heru Khuti also known as Osiris re- incarnated; known in Ancient Ma Ki Ra as the Divine Father supreme Re or Ra. I have re-emerged in the world to deliver a message for the reconstruction of the individual mind to become humanoid-spiritus. I have provided to you a portion of a hidden doctrine; dark data within visible light provided to you in many decoded forms. These are

Black or White All Father: What's The Difference?

Is it a sin to be tricked by Nannar Sin? The spectrum on the color wheel without the expression of thought on its own as a prism. By: Razee 'Ayin "Black is not a color." - Edouard Manet What is hidden behind the cloak of deep dark space in between the stars, and planets? "There’s something about black. You feel hidden away in it." - Georgia O’Keeffe Thousands of years ago there were

The Celestial Mars, Crescent Moon, And Star Antares Reveal The Union Of The Anci …

By: Tem-Re-heru-khuti A geneticist, archeologist, and nubiologist. Are these three fields of study the way to find the lost pedigree? "Many scholars believed that these powerful pharaohs were black, but outdated stereotyping dismissed the idea as myth." - The Discovery Channel The ancient Nubuns traveled from the lands of the horn, and spread to settle other territories, and landmasses. As the continental crust shifted; more areas of this planet could be explored. And

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