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Press Releases from Bossescabin (3 total)

Office Interiors: Latest and Exciting Office Design Trends

Perfect and well-designed office improves the ability and performance of employees As the battle for talent becomes more and more competitive, companies are concentrating only on staff retention and increasing productivity. Another way to compete for retention is investing in the office environment. And, the environment majorly depends on the interior design of the office. Improved communication support and cloud services have made easier for teams to work on projects without meeting

Aulenti: An elegant and exquisite design for Office furniture Impeccable craft …

The Italian architect and designer Gae Aulenti will forever be best remembered for her best work with museums, to create the galleries. The first name of Aulenti is Gaetana, pronounced as “guy”, known for her tough intellectual spirit when few women found successful architectural careers in Italy. Aulenti’s movement for fresh approaches to architecture design received a sympathetic hearing. She was employed to renovate the Palazzo Grassi in Venice for

Imperial: An epitome of luxurious Conference tables High-quality Imperial confer …

The first impression of the client meeting will starts from the conference room. The conference room of the office will be the hub of bright, new ideas and a space to facilitate a meeting of the minds. The conference table is an important aspect of a meeting or discussion. It’s simply not a surface area to place the laptop/pen, but also a table to dictate the seating placement which can

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