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Press Releases from (9 total)

If It’s Winter Outside but the Sahara Desert Inside, You May Be Setting the St …

If your home or office is heated by a forced air system without humidification, you may be living in an indoor environment drier than the Sahara Desert, which averages 25% relative humidity. Everyday exposure to overly dry air has varying negative effects on the human body, from dried out throat and nasal passages to dehydrated skin. Frequent colds or upper respiratory ailments may be caused by breathing dry air that’s

Have Fewer Nosebleeds, Chapped Lips, and Wrinkles this Winter: Keep Your Skin Hy …

When the relative humidity level in the air you breathe is below 35-40% it depletes moisture in your skin, your nasal passages, your lips, and the mucous membranes in your throat. It decreases your skin’s suppleness and elasticity, and contributes to chapped lips, nosebleeds, and cracked skin in your fingers. If your heating system isn’t humidified, it’s robbing your indoor air of the little moisture it already contains. When you

Save Yourself from Winter Wrinkles & Flyaway Hair: Don’t Let Dry Indoor Air Ag …

Do you suffer from dry skin, brittle flyaway hair and chapped lips in the winter? If so, dry indoor air could be a contributing factor. FACT: Many heating systems aren’t humidified. The dry air they generate robs the indoor air in your home or work environment of the moisture it contains, often resulting in a humidity level less than the average humidity in the Sahara Desert (25%). When the

How a Humidifier Can Protect You & Your Computer from Static Electricity Caused …

Static electricity shocks are annoying and can cause malfunctions in electronic circuitry; humidifying your indoor air helps eliminate those shocks People who are frequently “zapped” by static electricity during the winter heating season look for solutions to eliminate hair that frizzes and clothing that clings due to air that contains too little moisture. Static electricity caused by excessively dry indoor air can cause malfunctions in equipment that contains electronic circuitry

Reduce Winter Indoor Air Discomfort by Adding Humidity

Dry air feels colder than humidified air at the same temperature—which means you can lower the thermostat a degree or two Instead of adjusting the temperature on your thermostat to raise and lower heat in your home, you can improve your comfort level by increasing moisture levels in the air. When indoor air is very dry, maintaining an optimum 50% humidity level helps prevent feelings of chilliness. Dry air feels

If You Sleep with a Snorer, a Humidifier Can Help Make Your Night More Restful

If a snoring partner keeps you awake, a humidifier can help by relieving the intensity and loudness of the snoring. People who snore respond well to increasing the humidity level in their bedroom. When the air is too dry the snorer’s mucous membranes dry out, causing further breathing difficulty. Increasing the room’s humidity level helps prevent this. An optimally humidified environment improves your snoring partner’s chances of a more restful

If Your Children Have Allergies or Frequent Colds, Dry Indoor Air Could Be a Cul …

Children with allergy problems or frequent respiratory ailments respond well to improving humidity levels and air quality in their bedroom. Create the right combination of humidity (50%) and bedroom temperature (a constant 70°F preferred) and your child will have fewer colds, and will breathe and sleep more easily. Dry bedroom air may leave your child with a stuffy nose that awakens him or her. When the air is too dry, nasal

3 Tips for Creating a Proper TCZ (Thermal Comfort Zone) in Your Office -- the online humidifier resource from the healthy living experts at -- provides visitors with useful and up-to-date information and tips for buying and using humidifiers. The healthy living experts at ( explain the importance of maintaining a TCZ (Thermal Comfort Zone) in the workplace. Stray too far from it, and the deviation can affect workers’ performance and stress levels. A person wearing a normal amount of clothing for

Is dry indoor air making you look older? -- the online humidifier resource from the healthy living experts at -- provides visitors with useful and up-to-date information and tips for buying and using humidifiers. According to the healthy living experts at ( dry indoor air during the winter heating season can lessen the positive effects of skin care products. During winter in cold climates, it’s likely that your heating system, without humidification, is creating an indoor environment

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