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Press Releases from Kuick Resarch (922 total)

China Healthcare Market Analysis

Healthcare system in China is witnessing series of transformation driven by government backed reform process and increasing private sector participation. Although China healthcare market is fraction of the developed markets, it is actually witnessing double digit growth in recent years. However, within the Chinese healthcare market landscape,there still exists huge difference between the tier one cities and the rural areas. Within the city, there exist huge difference in the level

Australia Shale Gas Market Analysis

One of the world’s largest natural gas exporters has found a new resource to boost up its profile. While the conventional natural gas reserves seem to be never ending in Australia, it has started tapping its unconventional resources. The world’s largest exporter of coal, Australia, is already a major player in the Coal Seam Gas business and now has found shale gas reserves buried deep under its surface. The fourth

Brazil Power Sector Outlook 2016

Brazil, one of the world’s fastest growing economies and the largest power market in South America is moving towards the sustainable development of power sector in future. In the light of its growing power demands, the markets for other sources like natural gas, wind, solar energy are going to expand in addition to the growth of hydro energy, on which most of Brazil’s power depends. Over the coming few years

India Biosimilar Market Analysis

As the number of patent expiries of biologic drugs is increasing, Indian companies are developing biosimilar manufacturing capabilities. Firms are developing their capabilities by either forming partnerships with R&D-intensive firms or outsourcing to upcoming Indian contract research organizations (CROs). Domestic manufacturers have a cost advantage (lower facility and development costs) than peers in developed countries. Moreover, Indian firms seem keen on repeating their successes achieved in developing and commercializing biosimilars.

Private Hospital Services Market In India

Over the years the share of the private sector in the provision of health care delivery has increased to more than 75% of all outpatient care and about 60% of all in-patient care. The presence of private sector is widespread across the entire Indian healthcare landscape from providing healthcare delivery services, entry of corporate groups in managing and creation of healthcare infrastructure and imparting quality medical education. The private healthcare

Japan Solar Power Sector Analysis

Japan has been involved in solar power development since the early 1990s when the country installed its first solar power plant. It has already become one of the top countries for total solar Photo Voltaic (PV) panels installed and its companies are leading manufacturers of PV solar panels. Comparing to the installed generation capacity of Solar PV panels all over the world, Japan stands at the third position after Italy

India Renewable Energy Sector Analysis

Renewable energy contributes substantially to the total power generation capacity in India. In fact in FY’2012, only about 56% of the total electricity produced used coal as the source of fuel to generate electricity, 20% power was produced by hydro or water based sources, 12% electricity was generated using renewable energy sources and gas contributed 9% to the total power generation. while 2% and 1% contribution came from nuclear

Japan LNG Demand Forecast 2016

The natural gas production is very limited in Japan as compared to the consumption rate. The production of natural gas in Japan is mainly associated with the companies named International Petroleum Exploration Corporation (INPEX), JAPEX, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Nippon Oil. Other Japanese oil and gas companies are actively involved in domestic and international natural gas exploration and production. The natural gas is mostly consumed by power sector, residential/commercial sector and industrial

Australia Solar Power Sector Analysis

As Australia is moving towards increased solar power generation, the installed capacity of solar modules has shown considerable growth in the recent years. The use of solar energy for power generation had started way back in 1992 in the country with a few pilot projects and an installed capacity of 7.3 MW. With Australia’s power generation dominated by fossil fuels and a lack of clear solar energy policies and growth

India Solar Power Sector Analysis

India is emerging as one of the leading solar PV markets in the world as the country is blessed with immense potential for solar energy as most of the states have more than 300 sunny days and the specific average annual solar energy yield in India is estimated between 1700 – 1900 kWh per kWp. Indian Solar power has the potential to generate 50,000 MW which would be enough to

India Cosmetic Surgery Market Outlook 2016

India is viewed as one of the most progressive countries for cosmetic surgical procedures and this trend is expected to continue in the near future. This is mainly due to the fact that cosmetic surgery has evolved beyond the traditional concept of being a ‘risky or ‘impractical procedure that was demanded by women who were overly conscious about their appearance. Today, people in India understand that cosmetic surgery is a

India Luxury Retail Market Analysis

Liberalization of the Indian economy resulted in high economic growth rates and widespread prosperity. It allowed people to broaden their horizons and altered mindsets. The industrial and IT revolution created an entirely new set of wealthy global Indians. The increasingly open economy created new business opportunities and promoted entrepreneurship that resulted in the emergence of exceedingly successful first generation businessmen. The self-made millionaires were increasing. The number of Indian rupee

India Electronic Security Equipment Market Outlook 2016

The market for electronic security equipment in India is largely untapped and under-served as there exist need for greater awareness and education about the need for security equipments and their benefits. While this may make the task of the market players slightly difficult they stand to benefit from the opening up of the market into new user segments. This will only add to the fast growing market and vendors will

Turkey Power Sector Analysis

The power sector in Turkey is a highly evolved and efficient sector, being supported by an extremely favorable and facilitative government policy and regulatory regime. The power sector is divided into three sub-sectors in Turkey, namely the generation, transmission and distribution sectors. The power generation sector in Turkey is fully competent to meet the domestic demand. Furthermore, the country is also capable of supplying electricity to neighboring nations in Europe and

India Specialty Chemicals Market Outlook 2018

Specialty chemicals business is referred to as a ‘knowledge-based’ one that caters to different applications that make the business more complex. Manufacturers can create a niche for products having higher and more stable margins. The Indian specialty chemical industry is in a sweet and positive situation. It is characterized by substantially lower penetration against a user base that sees increasing globalization and higher disposable income. Besides these, the industry is

India Genetic Testing Market Analysis

India is witnessing an accelerating shift towards the prevalence of non-communicable diseases, having secured third position in congenital malformations and genetic disorders as the commonest causes of mortality in neonates in cities. The ability to identify these non-communicable diseases at an early stage lies within the genetic screening segment. Genetic screening, however, is still in its infancy and there are many challenges that need to be overcome in order to

Middle East Renewable Energy Sector Analysis

All the major economies in Middle East region have started to take the renewable energy way, contrary to their most important possession, non renewable (Hydrocarbons). The growing economy with growing population has affected a growth in the urbanization in these nations which has resulted in an increase in consumption of oil and gas. The growing population demands more electricity, power plants based majorly on non renewable sources. The Middle East

South Korea Wind Power Sector Analysis 2013

Wind Power in South Korea is being seen as the potential driver of renewable energy development in the country. Electricity generation through wind power has already progressed to significant levels and most of this has been developed onshore. The present onshore capacity installed in South Korea is at more than 480 MW by end of 2012, which is set to expand with many projects awaiting operational and constructional commencement. The wind

India Stem Cell Banking Market Analysis

Stem Cell Banking has emerged as new opportunity of healthcare services provider in Indian market. The market is still in nascent stage of development and valued at more than INR 400 Crore (US$ 70 Million) in 2013. The current stem cell preservation level for new born baby is below 1% and hence there exists immense opportunity for stem cell preservation service providers to grow exponentially in coming years. With

India CCTV Market Outlook 2016

The security systems sector in India can broadly be divided into four main categories: Access Control, Detector & Scanners, CCTV and Alarm Systems. The largest amongst these is the CCTV segment, accounting for more than 50% of the entire electronic security equipment market in India . With the high-success rate of CCTV surveillance devices worldwide, security conscious organizations (both government and non-government) in India are implementing CCTV surveillance, reflecting

India Specialty Clinics Market Outlook to 2016

Specialty clinics are emerging out of the general hospitals as a universal trend. Globally, niche specialties are being catered to by specialty clinics. The share of single specialty clinics, though is small, is rapidly growing in India. The market for specialty clinics is highly fragmented in India, with the presence of many small and niche players. However, the popularity of these clinics is increasing day-by-day. In 2012, specialty clinics accounted

India Paint Industry Opportunity Analysis 2018

The Indian paint industry has evolved from a predominant decorative paints market with seasonal fluctuations to a more diversified market. In recent years several factors have contributed to the fortunes of the Indian paint industry including adoption of latest technologies, launch of innovative products, aggressive marketing strategies, comprehensive product portfolios, and value added services offered by the companies. Currently the Indian paint industry is valued at US$ 5 Billion and

Russia Clinical Trial Market Opportunity Analysis

The Russian clinical trial market accounts for a significant share in the global clinical trial market. The country has got the population and the prevalence of diseases which cater as a good pool of subjects for conducting the studies. The high quality of the regulations followed in the Russian market for clinical trials has led to better optimization of the studies. The Russian clinical trials market enjoys high speed of

Brazil Wind Power Sector Opportunity Analysis 2018

Brazil wind power sector has been expanding gradually in recent years. The rising electricity demand and government focus on renewable energy has resulted in series of favorable transformation for wind power sector. The Government of Brazil recognizes the importance of wind as an excellent and environment friendly source of energy thereby focusing on growth of wind power sector in the region. The importance of wind power sector in Brazil overall

GCC Renewable Energy Sector Opportunity Analysis

The world’s largest producer of oil and gas is finding it increasingly difficult to suffice its own needs. An unprecedented increase in population and growth in industrial and economic activity has triggered newfound interest in renewable energy development for six major Middle Eastern economies. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman, together knows as the Gulf Cooperation Council, have turned their focus towards the exploitation of renewable sources of

UAE Halal Cosmetics Market Opportunity Analysis

UAE has emerged as an exceptionally attractive market for cosmetic companies to introduce their new products as it is one of the largest beauty markets in the world and is endorsed by affluent clientele. The demographic variety of consumers that are spread within the UAE translates into a diverse market that allows companies to offer variety of product across varied price spectrum. While the market for luxury products has a

Singapore Clinical Trial Market Opportunity Analysis

Singapore has off late come to become the nucleus of clinical research activities in the Asia-Pacific region. The country is a natural hub for manufacturers and clinicians. It also possesses one of the best healthcare infrastructure networks in the entire region. Singapore is the third largest market in Asia for conducting clinical trials. The national government has been extremely supportive in developing clinical research activities and maintaining high immunization rates.

Brazil Medical Device Market Outlook 2018

Being one of the largest economies in Latin America and being visualized as one of the key upcoming healthcare hubs, Brazil has come a long way. It has secured a very high position amongst emerging countries as far as its economic growth is considered and has been ranked as one of the largest medical devices market in Latin America. Much can be interpreted with this exponential growth specially the changing

Saudi Arabia Halal Cosmetics Market Opportunity Analysis

Saudi Arabia has emerged as one of exceptionally attractive market for cosmetic companies to introduce their new products as it is one of the largest beauty markets in the world and is endorsed by affluent clientele. The demographic variety of consumers that are spread within the Saudi Arabia translates into a diverse market that allows companies to offer variety of product across varied price spectrum. While the market for luxury

South East Asia Defense Market Opportunity Analysis

Countries in the South East Asian region have begun to overcome the economic downturn and are increasing their defense spending to keep pace with their economic growth. While there has been increasing economic development it has been accompanied by greater geo-political instability in the region. While a few countries have stepped up their arms procurement programs to equip their forces, this has spurred a parallel push from other countries in

India Baby Care Market Opportunity Analysis

Recent years have witnessed a spurt in the market for baby care products in India. On the demand side, rising incomes, smaller average size of families, more women coming out to work, and better informed parents, have all contributed toward this trend. On the supply side, the opening up of the economy and the interest shown by large multinationals in the Indian growth story have ensured that Indian consumers are

India Electronic Waste Recycle Market Opportunity Analysis

E-Waste management is a common problem faced by both developed countries and developing countries. Electrical and electronic equipments and gadgets such as refrigerators, washing machines, computers and printers, televisions, music systems, mobiles, i-pods, are part of the every growing list of items that form part of the e-waste landscape. While the list is growing so is the quantity as these products are getting more affordable and more and more people

Australia Solar Power Sector Opportunity Analysis

As Australia is moving towards increased solar power generation, the installed capacity of solar modules has shown considerable growth in the recent years. The use of solar energy for power generation had started way back in 1992 in the country with a few pilot projects and an installed capacity of 7.3 MW. With Australia’s power generation dominated by fossil fuels and a lack of clear solar energy policies and growth

China Industrial Robots Market Opportunity Analysis

China has emerged as economic powerhouse in the past 20 years on the strength of its manufacturing capabilities and now the country is making the transition from a manufacturing-driven to an innovation-driven economy. To spearhead this move, the state is initiating research initiatives to develop and attract skilled personnel and the requisite talent. It has grown to be one of the leading countries in the robotics market and it is

India Renewable Energy Sector Opportunity Analysis

Renewable energy is deemed as the future of energy and India is working in that direction with its various policies. The government has planned a number of projects that would be launched in the next few years and these will enhance India’s renewable energy status. The research and development phase has already passed and the execution of projects is underway. Given the different policies and incentive packages launched by the

Saudi Arabia Pharmaceutical Market Opportunity Analysis

Saudi Arabia Pharmaceutical market has recorded significant growth over the years owing to various factors like increasing ageing population mostly in the above 60 years bracket, changing demographics and rise in the incidence of lifestyle diseases, increased spending power, result driven government initiatives to promote the growth of indigenous pharmaceutical companies. Inspite of all the progress, the pharmaceutical market in the Saudi Arabia is still in an emerging phase, and

Saudi Arabia Renewable Energy Sector Analysis

Saudi Arabia along with all the major economies in Middle East region has started to take the renewable energy way, contrary to their most important possession, non renewable (Hydrocarbons). The growing economy with growing population has affected a growth in the urbanization in these nations which has resulted in an increase in consumption of oil and gas. The growing population demands more electricity, power plants based majorly on non renewable

Global 3D Printing Market Opportunity Analysis

3D printing technology is considered to be one of the fastest growing technologies with numerous uses and applications for 3D printers and services across different application sectors. It has revolutionized various industries such as medical, aerospace, consumer products and automotive. This technology facilitates the printing of products of finest quality with highest accuracy by building the prototype in a layer-by-layer manner. While this technology is currently used for prototyping and

Saudi Arabia Medical Device Market Outlook 2018

Accounting for nearly 50% of the total Middle East market, the Saudi Arabian medical devices market is estimated around US$ 1.1 Billion in 2013 and is expected to surpass USD 1.6 Billion by 2018, by registering a growth of 9% CAGR. The medical device sector is being anticipated to represent a strong growth in the coming years owing to overall increase in the health care spending, growing penetration by the

Indian In Vitro Diagnostics Market Analysis 2018

The Indian IVD market is valued at more than US$ 500 Million, and is expected to surpass US$ 1.5 Billion by 2018 growing steady at a CAGR of 20%. This remarkable growth can be attributed to increased healthcare awareness, desire to undergo preventive health checkups, availability of disease specific tests, corporate setups promoting health focus of employees, and drift from manual to semi-automated and automated equipment. Emergence of new concepts

India IVF Treatment Market Outlook 2018

India has a large population of 1.22 Billion people and infertility in the country is rising at a rapid rate (about 30 Million couples suffer from infertility). Infertility or the inability to have children refers to a range of disorders some of which affect the male, and some the female, and contribute to childlessness in a couple. There is also something called unexplained infertility, where doctors are unable to provide

AE Defense Sector Opportunity Analysis

Over the past few years UAE's defense industry has achieved significant progress and considerable traction, as a result of the guidance and directives from the country’s leadership to broad-base its economic structure and resources to be able to reduce dependence on oil by 2030. While the larger focus is on developing local industries and manufacturing, the development of the defense industry is a specific but crucial aspect of that wider

UAE Diabetes Market Opportunity Analysis 2018

UAE, with one of the highest rates of Type 2 diabetes represents significant societal costs, in relation to morbidity, mortality and also lost productivity coupled with a huge burden on the healthcare system. It has been observed that the high prevalence of diabetes in the UAE is gradually taking its toll on the overall health of the nation and also risking the country’s economic well-being. The total number of diabetes patients

India Specialty Clinics Market Opportunity Analysis 2018

Specialty clinics are emerging out of the general hospitals as a universal trend. Globally, niche specialties are being catered to by specialty clinics. The share of single specialty clinics, though is small, is rapidly growing in India. The market for specialty clinics is highly fragmented in India, with the presence of many small and niche players. However, the popularity of these clinics is increasing day-by-day. In 2013, specialty clinics accounted

India Ayurvedic Cosmetics Market Opportunity Analysis 2018

Consumers worldwide are going green and this is especially true in the cosmetics market. Over the last few years, growth in the market for cosmetics has been driven by products that use natural or herbal components. The market share of natural based products has been increasing gradually. Companies are increasingly feeling pressurized to focus on sustainability and reduce their environmental footprints. Consumers are more aware and better informed than ever

South Korea Biosimilar Market Analysis

South Korea has emerged as one of the strategic location for the development of biosimilars on the global level. Among the various emerging countries identified for development of biosimilars, South Korea is one of the most promising countries where pharmaceutical companies have identified huge investment potentials for the drug development process. One of the major reasons for the attractiveness of South Korea is the end of patent protection for some

China Aviation Industry Opportunity Analysis

Aviation industry in China began way back in 1951 with some domestic travel and agricultural services being their primary goals. Greater growth happened much later in the mid seventies. The industry posted major growth in its revival phase between 1977 and 1996. After 1996, there was a general period of growth in the economy and this reflected in the volume of general aviation operations and services that have increased throughout

Global Radiopharmaceuticals Market Insight

Radioisotopes are radioactive isotopes having an unstable balance of atomic nucleus. Radioisotopes are produced either by using nuclear research reactor or by using cyclotron. These isotopes emit energy in the form of alpha, beta or gamma when changed to a stable nature. The gamma rays, thus emitted are used in Nuclear medicine, specifically in medical diagnostics. In this field, the radiation is used to provide diagnostic information about a

Global Biosimilars Market & Pipeline Insight 2018

The evolution of biosimilars has currently reached different stages across the world. Owing to variable clarity in the guidelines and diverse regulatory pathways diverse, various definitions of biosimilars (or the broader group of follow-on biologics) have emerged across countries. Till now the European region has the best-established framework for biosimilars. The USA is currently almost aligned to the European standards. Biosimilars are also known as follow on biologics in the

India Refurbished Medical Imaging Equipment Market Analysis

Refurbishment is a well-established element of the global healthcare economy and has been there since long and is here to stay till the time there is a need for medical equipments. It is one of the pressing needs in today’s healthcare scenario where quality and cost effectiveness go hand in hand, where budgetary constraints dominate the purchase practices of healthcare providers. Refurbishment comes across as a step towards increasing ecological consciousness

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