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SightCare Ingredients: Are Sightcare Pills Safe For Use In USA, UK, Australia and Canada?

01-25-2023 09:29 AM CET | Health & Medicine

Press release from: SightCare Reviews

SightCare Reviews: Sightcare Ingredients, Sightcare Pills, Sightcare Tablets, SightCare Amazon

SightCare Reviews: Sightcare Ingredients, Sightcare Pills, Sightcare Tablets, SightCare Amazon

Many customers in the USA, UK, Australia and Canada have claimed that SightCare is a powerful supplement that supports healthy eyes the natural way. The Sightcare pills are said to be made of clinically studied ingredients that work synergistically to support brain health, increase antioxidants and maintain long lasting good vision. Subsequently, the safety of Sightcare ingredients, Sightcare on Amazon, Sightcare pills general reviews, Sightcare Customer Reviews, and other necessary information about the Sight care supplement will be explained in this article.

As a well-informed and health-conscious citizen of the USA (United States of America), UK (United Kingdom), Australia and Canada, you truly wish to know about the safety and FDA-status of Sight Care supplements, this article will cover most of these necessary details. Before delving into the ingredients of Sight Care, let's first discuss the science behind Sightcare Advanced Eye Health Formula.


The scientific breakthrough discovery that inspired the creation of Sightcare supplement is a focus on Adult Repair Stem Cells (ARSC). According to reports, the Adult Repair Stem Cells were first discovered by a Japanese scientist named Shinya Yamanaka who won a Nobel prize for it in 2012.

After Yamanaka's breakthrough, many scientists believed that one of the first places the Adult Repair Stem Cells Research would be applied was to vision loss and blindness. And they were right because in the past decade, scientists have been using stem cells to reverse blindness, along with macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and other vision problems.

Recently, the scientific belief that stem cell therapy is capable of reversing sight loss, giving patients their eyesight back, has now been validated by numerous scientists at Harvard's prestigious Stem Cells Institute along with researchers at Vanderbilt University, the University of Utah, and the National Health Services in the UK.

Hence, if you are in the USA, UK, Canada and Australia or any other part of the world and you wish to know the truth behind Sight care as a powerful supplement for vision restoration, the Adult Repair Stem Cells Research is its backbone. In this respect, Sightcare is packed with 11 (8 main ingredients and 3 minor ingredients) of the most exciting and proven natural vision supporting compounds which are shown to significantly boost Adult Repair Stem Cells that will quickly work to restore your eyesight to perfect 20/20 vision no matter if you are 19 or 92.

These stem cells work directly in the places where they are needed the most, including your eyes, and they start healing you on a cellular level from head to toe until before you know it, not only has your vision been restored, but you have rejuvenated your entire body too; your heart, your liver, your skin, your brain, your colon, your hair, and more.

Buttressing a claim from the official website of Sightcare, when it comes to declining vision, the Sightcare pills are truly the silver bullet. The Sightcare supplement fixes everything about your vision at once in a very short amount of time because when taken properly, this supplement gets your body to produce more stem cells again.


SIGHTCARE INGREDIENTS: Are These Ingredients Really Safe For UK, Canada, Australia and USA Users?
Not only for USA, UK, Australia and Canada users, the Sightcare ingredients that are blended into the Sightcare pills are really safe for use for anyone who needs a reliable vision supplement.

As stated before, SightCare Pills are made with natural ingredients that increase adult repair stem cells. As a matter of Providence, the earth provides certain herbs, roots, plants and minerals that are specifically designed to increase Adult Repair Stem Cells which have been mixed to produce SightCare Supplement. There are a total of 11 Natural ingredients in the Sight Care Pills out of which 8 are main ingredients whereas, the remaining 3 are minor ingredients. However, the truth is that each of these natural ingredients is backed by hard science from top universities and leading research centers.

For the sake of USA, UK, Canada and Australia users who are eager to obtain the correct ingredients recipe of Sightcare, the 8 main Sight care pills ingredients are: Lutein, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Bilberry Extract, L-Lysine, Zeaxanthin, Quercetin, Eyebright, Astaxanthin. The remaining 3 powerhouse ingredients are: Ascorbic Acid, Copper Gluconate, and Zinc Oxide.

The 8 BREAKTHROUGH INGREDIENTS Of Sightcare Supplement Are Explained:
Astaxanthin: At the National Institute of Health, a team of six scientists conducted an in-depth study of how Astaxanthin, a tiny sea-based nutrient, influences adult repair stem cells. The scientists discovered that Astaxanthin has the ability to enhance the self-renewal potency of stem cells. That is a just fancy way of saying that Astaxanthin tells the body to produce brand new stem cells. Even more remarkable is another major study from 2010, published in the International Journal of Macular Sciences. This study found that supplementing the diet with Astaxanthin didn't just protect against damage to the retina, it also significantly increased proliferation and colony formation of adult repair stem cells as well as substantially improving stem cell potency. A study in 2004 showed that "visual acuity significantly improved in groups receiving Astaxanthin." And an Italian university found that Astaxanthin caused "highly significant reductions of macular degeneration." Absolutely incredible! Those are just a few of the hundreds of studies showing Astaxanthin's amazing ability to fight vision problems and restore eyesight and new studies are confirming this all the time. All in all, Astaxanthin, as a natural ingredient, is shown in studies to support a 26.3% increase in adult stem cells in just 8 days.

✓ QUERCETIN: This is another amazing plant compound that has been used for centuries to regenerate the eye, and significantly improve vision. Quercetin is loaded with free-radical-fighting nutrients that have been shown in studies to:
- Help support the healthy functioning of the eye.
- Protect against oxidative stress in the retina.
- Repair and restore vision at the cellular level
- Boost the immune system - it's even shown to help the body to inhibit drug resistant super-viruses.

✓ N-ACETYL-L-CYSTEINE: Once upon a time, this health-supporting wonder molecule called N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, was the subject of a randomized, double-blind study - "the gold standard in medical testing." Each day for 3 months, the patients in this study were given N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine. At the end of the study, their vision was tested. The results astounded the medical community, because a full 90% of the patients treated showed improvements in their visual acuity. Therefore, scientists believe that N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine is so effective because it helps replenish glutathione, the "master" antioxidant. In fact, it has been called the most powerful molecule ever discovered. N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine has been shown to:
- Slow down aging
- Prevent free radical damage
- Help detoxify the body
- Support energy production
- Improve brain health
- Lower your risk of heart disease
- Reduce inflammation

✓ ZEAXANTHIN: This plant-based nutrient not only protects your eyes from developing age-related health issues, it also helps regenerate the cells in the eye to improve vision sharpness. It also protects against harmful "blue light" from smartphones and other electronic screens that we stare at endlessly these days. Zeaxanthin was featured in one of the largest eye studies ever completed, called the "AREDS" or Age-Related Eye Disease Studies. Researchers discovered that it significantly reduced the risk of degenerative eye disease while drastically improving eyesight when taken consistently.

✓ LUTEIN: Another all-star of the AREDS study, lutein is a carotenoid with anti-inflammatory properties. It's naturally synthesized only by certain plants - and it is most concentrated in green leafy vegetables. A large body of evidence shows that Lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health. Lutein is shown to improve age-related macular disease, reversing vision impairment and even blindness.

✓ L-LYSINE: When combined with Vitamin C, this amino acid helps open artery blockages and restores circulation to the eyes. This discovery was made by two-time Nobel prize winning scientist Linus Pauling and was further validated by Dr. Sydney Bush. Bush, an optometrist, took pictures of the retina (the back part of the eye) using a technique called Cardio-Retinometry. Dr. Bush proved that not only did L-Lysine restore circulation to the eyes, but it drastically lowers your risk of heart disease and stroke.

✓ EYEBRIGHT: Eyebright is a powerful herb that has been used in folk medicine to treat eye problems for hundreds of years, which is how it got its name. In 2014, a study by European researchers found that this centuries-old treatment had real scientific impact. When used properly, Eyebright reduces inflammation in the eye caused by blepharitis and conjunctivitis. And will turbocharge your vision so you can see with the clarity you had as a child.

✓ BILBERRY EXTRACT: The legend goes like this: in WWII, British Royal Air Force pilots discovered that after eating bilberry jam, they could bomb the enemy with devastating accuracy, their night vision heightened by the powers of the inky blue fruit. Research has since found conclusive evidence that anthocyanosides, a molecule found in bilberry, has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to provide protective effects against macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. In fact, in a study of people with glaucoma, taking Bilberry daily improved visual function by an astounding 30%!

As a health-conscious buyer living in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, you do not need to be unsure about the potency and safety of all the ingredients used in the production of Sight Care Pills. The above list of 8 natural ingredients are backed by science to be safe when used for the right cause. And when the above 8 ingredients are combined with SightCare's last three powerhouse ingredients - Ascorbic Acid, Copper Gluconate, and Zinc Oxide - they work synergistically to improve blood flow, repair retina damage and boost adult repair stem cells. Ascorbic Acid, Copper Gluconate, and Zinc Oxide are powerful ingredients that are well-known to support eye health and brain function, detoxifies pathways and support blood circulation, support a healthy inflammatory response of the eyes: lens, retina and macula and prevent glaucoma and other eye defects from occurring.


The popularity of SightCare supplements in the UK, Canada, Australia, and USA cannot be neglected. There are lots of videos and articles that tend to explain what this supplement is to the populace. However, let's offer an all-encompassing answer to the question of what is Sight Care supplement!

According to the inventor, SightCare represents the next generation of vision-improving science. It is the breakthrough that finally brings a new sight-enhancing option to everyone. This Advanced Eye Health formula provides each of the 11 eye-restoring ingredients, in dosages that are supported by scientific studies. Each capsule of Sight Care Pills contains 800 milligrams of the pure, natural blend of the exact same 11 miracle ingredients proven in scientific studies to restore lost vision impossibly fast.

And because SightCare harnesses the power of Adult Repair Stem Cells, this is something that can refresh pretty much your entire body, too. All this comes together to make the most effective vision supplement in existence. The results speak for themselves, and that's why it's extremely popular in the UK, Australia, Canada, US and a host of other countries like Spain, Italy, Germany, Israel etc.

When you take SightCare it starts working right away, to support healthy eyesight, increased energy levels and a brand new lease on life! SightCare has the media in a frenzy with raving reviews! SightCare Pills are here to stay because of the synergy of the ingredients! Pretty much everyone who tries SightCare keeps asking for more of the stuff, because they never want to worry about glasses, contacts or losing their eyesight ever again.

Though David Lewis, an eye specialist with 37 years of experience and his colleague and friend of 40 years, Dave, were the duo that first thought of SightCare, they involved a host of scientists. This host of medical professionals ensured that Sightcare pills were manufactured in an FDA-registered facility with rigorous regulations.

They systematically combined all of those 11 ingredients into a single capsule while being obsessed over the quality, purity and bioavailability of these ingredients: Lutein, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Bilberry Extract, L-Lysine, Zeaxanthin, Quercetin, Eyebright, Astaxanthin, Ascorbic Acid, Copper Gluconate, and Zinc Oxide.

They jointly tested these ingredients day and night until finally, after months of formulation and spending pretty much every single waking hour in the lab they were able to rent in Dallas, they had something they were ready to test - A SightCare Pill. It was a single pill that contained scientifically-supported doses of each of the adult stem cell producing ingredients. After being convinced of their production, the Sight Care Pills were brought into the market.


In case you are not aware, SightCare is made right here in the United States, in a facility that follows all Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines. It's manufactured in an FDA-registered facility with rigorous regulations.

They makers also have the supplement's formula tested by an independent third-party laboratory to ensure that what's on the label is really inside every dose. There are absolutely no fillers or preservatives, and no artificial ingredients, making SightCare an incredibly pure and highly effective breakthrough in vision restoration.

How Much SightCare Tablets Do You Need to Take?
That's simple: Just take one capsule, twice a day, for at least 30 days. The reason it's important that you take SightCare for at least 30 days is very straightforward.
While the 11 natural ingredients go to work pretty much immediately, what all of those clinical studies have shown that:
The longer you take each of the ingredients inside SightCare, the more your body can benefit. For example, as you saw in one study: Astaxanthin is shown to support a marked improvement in vision within the first 8 days.

But as it is also seen in another major study, taking N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine for a full 12 months was shown to boost visual acuity in 90% of patients treated. This is another important factor for those who want to live longer, healthier, more energized lives for years to come. So It Just Makes Sense To Keep Taking SightCare Day After Day and Month After Month.

This question is very hard to answer because there are lots of handles on AMAZON that are parading themselves as SELLERS of SightCare Supplement. Yes, Sight Care Tablets are available on Amazon and can be purchased but the different handles makes it impossible for you to know the original from the fake.

Instead of bothering yourself with identifying the fake from the original on Amazon, why not just click on the original link provided on this article? This will enable you to see other important information about SightCare and assimilate it before making the decision to buy.

Of course, you can go to Amazon to find out these things for yourself. Because of the popularity of SightCare in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Canada, many Sellers have targeted unsuspecting individuals by opening different Amazon handles. Do not fall for this trick. The good thing is that some of these unknown SightCare brands on Amazon do not even have any available stock at the moment. The original owners have decided to lessen these fake activities by only selling through its official website where you get to either read all the necessary information about Sight Care or watch Davis Lewis explain them himself.


✓ Supports Healthy EyeSight: SightCare uses an proprietary blend of exclusive ingredients to support healthy eyesight.
✓ Supports A Healthy Brain: SightCare is a blend of natural, yet powerful herbs that have been clinically studied to support brain health.
✓ Maintains Healthy Eyes: SightCare Tablets help support the health of your eyes, to support it well into old age.
✓ Supports Healthy Liver: SightCare Pills unique formula helps support healthy liver function which supports healthy digestion and healthy eyes.
✓ Increases Energy Levels: SightCare Supplement supports healthy glucose metabolism to increase your energy levels so you can get back to enjoying life to its fullest with the ones you love.
✓ Enhances Visual Acuity: SightCare Pills support the ability to view fine detail.

SightCare Real UK, USA, Australia and Canada Customers' Reviews
Across the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, people who were once worried about losing their eyesight and going blind, who found it so hard just to get through the day without squinting and bumping into things are calling SightCare "A Gift From God" and this is your golden opportunity to join them.

According to David Lewis, he is now tired of hearing from folks all over the US, UK, Australia and Canada, saying that taking SightCare is like having their own army of 'Adult Stem Cells' standing guard all over their body. Keeping their vision sharp, ensuring their energy is high, and watching over all their health markers 24/7.

"I could barely see 6 months ago. Things started to get better with SightCare. I was finally able to care for myself. As time went by things improved and improved until I can proudly say I now have almost 20/20 vision. It's true. It's a miracle. I went from practically blind to not needing glasses at all." - John B. Thomas

"I was always losing my glasses or breaking them. Hated how I looked in them. After taking SightCare for a short time, I was finally able to go to the grocery store without them. I can't thank you enough. I've told all my friends and family." - Marla Holloway

"Things were getting worse at a very rapid rate. Thank God my doctor had heard of SightCare. He told me to take it every day. I took it religiously. Because this is my life we're talking about. Now I can proudly say my vision is completely restored, and I'm walking around without glasses with no squinting and no problem." - Greg Stevenson


SightCare Reviews LAST WORDS
With a perfect blend of the Sight Care ingredients giving birth to these magical pills, you can now achieve perfect 20/20 vision without any intrusive methods, expensive glasses, or painful eye exercises. In fact, you can "heal" your dying vision and have better sight than an army sniper. This is all thanks to a new breakthrough discovery in the field of adult repair stem cells that has succeeded in the production of SightCare Supplement.

While many options out there about Eye Health involve trips to doctors, huge needles, risky procedures, and tens of thousands of dollars out of your pocket, the Sightcare Pills are 100% natural and do not require a single doctor visit. In fact, SightCare is already being used by 110,000 men and women all across the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, New Zealand and other countries.

Some Important Scientific Referencea That Support SightCare Makers Claims About Adult Stem CELLS

David Lewis, an eye specialist with 37 years of experience and his colleague and friend of 40 years, Dave, were the duo that first thought of SightCare.

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