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In-House Magazine for Employees definition

In-House Magazine for Employees (© golubovy /

In-House Magazine for Employees (© golubovy /

A tool that many people have been using many companies have been using for decades is creating an in-house magazine or newsletter for their employees. There must be a reason that this practice is so commonplace right? There definitely is, and in this article we will explore the in-house magazine for employees in great detail and help you understand why and how they are used in business.


The Role of an In-House Magazine

First let's talk about the role of an in-house magazine. The in-house magazine exists to provide communication between the upper part of the company and the lower part of the company. This simply means that there is a dividing line between the upper management and the rest of the company, and many employees feel more loyal when they think that those on the upper levels are listening to them. In addition, it allows executive management to pass on information to employees in an interesting and non-threatening way. Let’s look at some of the benefits from using an in-house magazine as a marketing and communications tool.

Benefits of an In-House Magazine

In-house magazines have a number of benefits, and the aforementioned communication is just one of those. In-house magazines allow for information to be passed on, but they also allow for things like employee recognition, awards and for people within the company to get to know one another - particularly people that may work in separate departments and never see each other. It also establishes a bond between the employee and the company they work for. Getting access to an exclusive magazine makes them feel as if they are truly part of a team.

How to start an In-House Magazine

So how do you start an in-house magazine? Any company that has a few talented people that could spearhead the project will be able to create such a magazine. A lot of times, the hard work of formatting, printing and creating can be done through outsourcing. However, you may also wish to use your own employees if they are up to the task. Below, we will be looking at the various steps involved in starting an in-house magazine.

Review Goals

The first thing that you have to do is decide what your goal is. What is the reason that the magazine exists? If you do not know what you are trying to accomplish with your in-house company magazine, then you will not have anything to focus on as you build each issue. But if you know what the end result should be, you will have a much easier time creating a great magazine. Is your goal to promote something? Is it to inform employees of something? It may be a combination of several things.

Determine Format

The next thing you'll have to do is determine what format you want to use. Not only does this mean determining what format your magazine or newsletter is going to be in layout wise, but it also means determining whether you are going to distribute a print magazine or newsletter or keep it digital. Most of the time, a digital format is best, not only because you'll save money by not having to print anything, but also because people already get their news and information from the internet anyway.

Decide on Regular Features

You also have to decide what regular features you were going to have in your magazine or newsletter. You should know this before you even start working on the first issue. Knowing what regular features are going to be in the magazine will help you plan for the future and establish your voice right away. Are you planning on highlighting employee achievements? Are you going to have a section for humor or something fun? Every magazine, no matter how small, should have at least a couple of regular features that people can look forward to with each issue.

Seek Out Issue Content

Of course, regular features are not going to fill out your entire magazine, so you are going to have to look for content for each issue Dash especially your first issue because you want to make the best first impression that you can. Unlike regular features, you do not have to plan out issue content far in advance, and in fact it may be more advantageous to wait until you're getting close and then decide what you're going to put in that issue. You may find a really great story you wouldn't have knowing about two weeks ago.

Distribute Magazine

You will have to distribute your magazine as well. If you are printing the magazine, and you already have an established internal mail system, then it may be quite easy to get the magazine to your employees. If you have a database with home addresses, then it may be simpler to mail it to them. Of course, with an electronic magazine, all you have to do is email it to them. But you also have to be aware that you have the option of distributing it elsewhere. Some companies make their internal publications available outside the company, and as long as it does not contain sensitive information, this can be a positive thing.

Get Feedback

Your last step is going to be to get feedback from the people that are reading the magazine. You want to know if they are enjoying what they are reading and whether there is anything that you can improve. If you can get feedback from a few people each issue, then you should be able to improve until you have a company magazine that is look forward to by everyone in the company


The company magazine can be an amazing marketing tool and a great way for people within an organization to communicate with each other. When done right, the company magazine improves employee relations; increases loyalty and really strengthens the bond between your team and the company behind them.

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